Monday, 5 July 2010

Mmm, delicious

Delicious is a thing I had used before about 3 years ago, looking at the dates on my bookmarks below.

I think I used it in the days before Yahoo had bought it and then you had to register to view the bookmarks.  I wanted to create links for our library users but abandoned it when the bundling into groups didn't really work and people had to register to use.  Now it looks much improved and I will definitely set up a library account and start developing links online.  Delicious was my first experience of non-controlled language for tagging, which I thought would never work as the same resource had lots of different tags.  But now it has expanded and more keywords are in the system it seems to work well.  Plus if I am bundling items together I can ensure that they have consistent tags. 

Certainly a thing that I am going to try again and use directly to help our library users.

Thursday, 1 July 2010

Slide to the left, slide to the right , Reverse Reverse, Cha Cha now ya’ll

Thing 11 and slideshare.  I have used this before as a viewer but not an uploader.  I think it is great when you go to conferences and training days and they say the presentations will be available via slideshare.  You don't have to take away a forest of handouts or make frantic notes to try and get the information down, which then never makes sense without the images anyway.  So I like slideshare and I think it is useful.

Image of people electric sliding by purpleslog on Flickr

Then I thought I would try out Jing.  I have tried numerous different screen capture software programs but none I liked as much as this.  A little download and then it was simple.  So I used to to create my own powerpoint tribute to 23 things Cambridge which I then uploaded on slideshare.  I ask forgiveness for the corny rhymes in my one verse tribute to the Sound of Music, favourite things song - at least I didn't sing it!