I have to admit to a bit of a love/hate relationship with twitter - or more a love/apathy relationship. For cam23 last year I joined twitter as instructed. I followed people but found it difficult to keep track of everything. Someone recommended giving
tweetdeck a try and I installed it on my computer and found the whole experience much better. I could create boxes for my saved searches, lists and fav people. I was becoming addicted. Then I changed computers and tweetdeck was gone. I drifted for awhile back on twitter before losing interest. I found it useful if I couldn't go to a conference to follow some of the tweets, although often they mean nothing unless you are there as too brief to properly portray what is going on.
I then gave
hootsuite a try as you can access that anywhere via a browser but I didn't like it as much as tweetdeck. It was slow to refresh and I couldn't seem to link in other social sites, such as Facebook, unless I wanted all my twitter posts to go to my facebook profile - which I didn't. Now 23thinging again and accessing twitter. I now have new pc and have installed tweetdeck (now part of twitter) and really liking it. I get a little box popup when there is a new tweet which is useful to keep up-to-date with something I am following or amazingly distracting when trying to work on other things! They are also working on a web interface so I would be able to access it elsewhere (which would be good now as not on my own PC).
I suppose I ought to start tweeting again about #cam23 or at least checking out the other tweets.